This Mom Likes: Julia Roberts!

September 5, 2009 at 8:20 am Leave a comment

article-1181379-04ED1CB1000005DC-577_468x694I am not a big celebrity follower, but I was recently looking through an issue of Hello Canada magazine (I have since discovered this picture  was released in May, so I guess I am definitely out of the celeb loop!).  It had one of those articles “Fabulous at 40!”.  I love those articles (enter sarcasm here).  I am not yet 40 and even in my twenties I never had the bodies of these women; before I had a baby!  Jennifer Lopez, Nicolette Sheridan, all of them moms, all of them in perfect shape and looking better than 98% of normal women.  Anyway, I was so surprised to see a picture of Julia Roberts with her ‘Mummy Tummy’.  Julia was in shape, but jiggly.  Skinny, but there were the markings of a woman who had carried twins at one point.

Read this great “Letter to Julia” published in the Daily Mail & see the picture of Julia on the beach in Hawaii

Hooray Julia! Finally someone to show us what is normal.  It is obvious that these other women who look ‘Fabulous’ 2 months after they have had their babies have had a little help, no matter how much they deny it.  Fitness trainers, nanny teams, a doctor’s visit… a little help ($$$) goes a long way!  And to be fair, that is their job… to look good.  So… chin up moms!  If Julia can have a mummy tummy, so can we!

A common question I get from Moms is how to lose that baby weight.  Eating well is important, getting exercise is also important, but we also need to come to terms with our bodies after baby.  I think the hardest part is learning to love your new body.  There are lots of feel good articles that talk about loving every wrinkle and sag, but honestly, I love myself, I just wish things were a little tighter here and there. Thank goodness for clothes!!!

Nutrition is my thing for sure, and eating well is really important for everyone, but new moms especially need to eat well.  The best way to manage the change in schedule the constant demands and the ever-present multi-tasking is to have the basis of a good healthy diet.  It is hard to grab a nutritious meal between feedings and burpings, diapers and naps.

Did you ever have this thought?  “OMG, the baby is napping.  Finally!  What do I do?  Do I nap?  Do I eat?  Do I shower?  Can I fit in all three?”.

In regards to the eating part make sure your fridge is full of healthy grab and go snacks. Try and pair a carbohydrate (fruit, grain, vegetable) with a protein (nuts, dairy, meat).  This will keep you full longer.

  • I love almonds!  A handful of almonds (or any nut) with an apple, a pear smeared with almond butter.  Yum!
  • Hummus and crackers, Hummus and veggies, Hummus on toast
  • Fruit salad – chop up a lot of fruit and keep it in the fridge.  Serve with plain yogurt
  • Try some of my Baby-Mama Meals, you can make them up for you and your baby
  • Cook up a large bowl of brown rice or quinoa, throw in some chopped veggies, add some salad dressing.  Voila!  Delicious, nutritious & filling!
  • Cheese & crackers, grilled cheese sandwich – use whole wheat crackers or bread and REAL cheese please!
  • A bowl of cereal
  • Granola, yogurt, fruit
  • Smoothie (in the blender: 1 C fruit, 1 C yogurt, 1 C milk, 1 Tbsp ground flax, 1/2 banana)
  • Real Food energy bars – read the labels to choose one that has whole food ingredients – I like Lara Bars and The Simply Bar, they are great to carry in your purse!

Here’s your chance to WIN a box of assorted The Simply Bar.  Contest closes Sept. 7th, so act fast!  Click Here!

Entry filed under: Baby-Mama Meals, Natural Parenting, What Moms Like. Tags: , , .

Baby eats… how much? And the winner is….

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